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Recent News

& Announcements

Hofmeyer CSI

School visit: ECLB in partnership with  Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism  handed over school shoes and sanitary towels to Phakama High School and Mzamomhle primary in Hofmeyr and launched ambassadorship programme.
1074511103980233 2672277048482472572 n
1294943894749972 3730563027867593781 n
966636471130204 1875289886556858729 n
951742622751591 9122478799441293316 n
769886447850981 3848994672385388920 n
933312574565486 3224567080729329571 n

Transnet Awareness Day

 The Eastern Cape Liquor Board has been invited by East London Transnet Port Authority to conduct underage drinking awareness to pupils who come from different schools around East London and King Williams Town.

The key message communicated by ECLB is : My future matters, alcohol must wait!!!
648650107289373 7822795936946420049 n
648650630622654 8291069143342916505 n
648650147289369 4361781861305582689 n
648650637289320 5168860284677914726 n
648650180622699 7844811835466823502 n
648650610622656 6559606924573902579 n
648650137289370 3440986084152904060 n
648650620622655 2250897495174257967 n
648650120622705 2059392531754335300 n

21KM Awareness Run

ECLB hosts first ever 21 KM  Awareness Run

649547510532966 7600143994627058201 n
649548847199499 7028877725206611705 n
649548910532826 2411981684632878 n
649548963866154 6530480134567384375 n
649548593866191 1782499722851425453 n
649548873866163 4628462888937992658 n
649549120532805 5962435984806611143 n
649548583866192 2806332911921660443 n
649549073866143 8555146430967095735 n
649549033866147 973765029170877348 n
649548513866199 7649511198676315291 n
649549000532817 4066682943698491676 n
649547467199637 3912594879224662394 n
649547567199627 8250522436368737641 n
649548773866173 4994552292856186586 n
649549147199469 4625031147005360931 n
649549067199477 5427693513372607433 n
649548847199499 7028877725206611705 n
649547430532974 4834748177058706949 n

Career Day in Graaf Reinet

Eastern Cape Liquor Board joined the deputy speaker Hon Mlibo Qhoboshiyane of the EC Legislature to conduct career  day awareness. Under the Theme: Young people's political consciousness and activism as an inspiration for their professional growth.

651211790366538 114156514234269977 n
651231677031216 6530525129351769180 n
651211650366552 8628369001983802359 n
651211710366546 2537400344924390253 n
651211820366535 3327379175235819900 n
651211827033201 1034211734610946294 n
651211843699866 7811862264865651141 n
651211703699880 6097709880018366935 n
651211760366541 3353124741255176930 n
651211837033200 1117577228220957550 n
651211797033204 1522273808442390063 n
651211623699888 2374996642861645465 n

Community Engagement Session in Hofmeyr

Community engagement session against alcohol abuse, illegal trading and irresponsible trading in Hofmeyr.

The engagement session was coordinated by Eastern Cape Liquor Board  led by DR Makala(CEO)  and  EC Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism led by Hon. Mec. Mvoko. A candle light service was also held in honour of Razmattaz Tavern victims in Hofmeyr.
639531064867944 1398594406617600434 n
639531054867945 259268800500652007 n
639530751534642 8673377751488093376 n
639530958201288 5222114595271379058 n
639531584867892 6461190074346241777 n
639531671534550 1219275471850255830 n
639531584867892 6461190074346241777 n
639530798201304 2321581081562282634 n
639530958201288 5222114595271379058 n
639531054867945 259268800500652007 n
639531671534550 1219275471850255830 n
639531614867889 2958179136179127040 n
639531614867889 2958179136179127040 n
639531064867944 1398594406617600434 n


 ECLB hosts Imvuselelo in Orient Theatre

645564740931243 2736022726855312329 n
645564934264557 5829915218549367356 n
645564967597887 6478565169441141525 n
645564870931230 8942835701308421164 n
645564920931225 4508774086576165274 n
645564877597896 3601141543015312876 n
645564824264568 8606817646572219706 n
645569654264085 7542616926211093898 n
645564950931222 7452912204313982354 n
645565030931214 2162455029253384699 n
645564740931243 2736022726855312329 n
645564920931225 4508774086576165274 n

Ndevana Anti-Pens Down

ECLB is conducted an Anti Pens Down Campaign in Ndevana. This is an effort to discourage young people from indulging alcohol especially during the school break

647728804048170 4259669949052803448 n
647728864048164 6556505084318960086 n
647670774053973 1566573890169454762 n
647670527387331 7916715337091222538 n
647670737387310 4036881045151270161 n
647670714053979 4943904160835969537 n
647670704053980 5719669035558116652 n
647728854048165 6685290850718718184 n
647728920714825 4098244684259069827 n
647670560720661 338076909174907077 n
647670684053982 4039824606938125281 n
647670760720641 9171644434114245072 n
647728994048151 1517804424385620820 n

Road safety in Mzamba

ECLB together with Mzamba SAPS, Road Safety Education and Traffic officers embarked on a Drunk Driving education and awareness campaign in Mzamba.
657105436443840 5602222965571739654 n
657105299777187 139365474026196623 n
657104743110576 1281927560281388981 n
657105239777193 2526357609974259363 n
657105469777170 595087046792904900 n
657105546443829 2031626336082913078 n
657105339777183 7298710644445278966 n
657104929777224 4581597589463841609 n

Sport in Mbizana

Sport Against Alcohol Abuse kwaBulala in Mbizana.

660162682804782 2811826573227524474 n
660162899471427 4322127741789507030 n
660162639471453 1181245128758856715 n
660162299471487 6454766333641508075 n
660162692804781 1260632111691652798 n
660162416138142 1300123739458866077 n
660161969471520 8545674430753944205 n
660162902804760 2235948761601464929 n

Mandela Day in Seymour

The Eastern Cape Liquor Board celebrated Mandela Day in Seymour at Jeanet Mahonga Lower and Higher Primary School.

The Board is donated school shoes, sanitary towels and painted the school

670020991818951 9135531096484680888 n
670020825152301 4721967357342134533 n
670021065152277 1281107145445827097 n
670020675152316 2960253443723459402 n
670020608485656 3695713269211749001 n
670021081818942 5934297684055415213 n
670020695152314 900188039820080067 n
670020848485632 8280654966485667687 n
670020901818960 1712946956533478851 n
670021015152282 8722419078591199410 n
670020925152291 7717473581822490505 n
670020618485655 5023741551340384142 n
670020568485660 3820224609339607820 n
670020551818995 3105397932323189348 n
670020758485641 2645549453012102903 n

Ambassadorship programme in Graaff Reinet

Ambassadorship programme underway in Spandau Secondary School, Graaff Reinet
My future matters-alcohol must wait!!!

362914645 667877485366635 2625592844060013203 n
362928062 667877552033295 1314623978624274567 n
362925295 667877512033299 5885473506239531639 n
363324651 667907905363593 7374790478649645961 n
361630444 667877298699987 1517111919730001266 n
363763906 667877535366630 8960419710907041218 n
362919754 667877518699965 5420837841200868860 n
362921036 667877475366636 2175843319916495490 n
363345723 667907738696943 6884259785416563242 n
361653705 667877562033294 6588424824036375910 n
363348585 667907758696941 7885675281688156881 n
361647119 667877308699986 595870679582991486 n

Rhodes University Sport

Anti-Drug and Alcohol abuse sports day in Rhodes University

674016728086044 1940106945220602164 n
674016808086036 4567727068488437882 n
674016644752719 2934298017989604099 n
674016474752736 5292495756795505393 n
674016261419424 6400253825525283875 n
674016474752736 5292495756795505393 n
674016604752723 1343528214221008477 n
674016551419395 8856048905278043711 n
674016428086074 581528375114341420 n

CIS Programme: Somerset East

First phase of the CSI program, ECLB and the Office of the MEC handed over pairs of shoes to underprivileged pupils in Gilbert Xuza Primary School and Nonzwakazi Primary School, Somerset East

Second phase of the program was the hand over of sanitary towels to Aeroville High School, Johnson Nqonqoza and Cookhouse Senior Secondary School

680289777458739 8859007263713675053 n
680336340787416 6162598663118669562 n
680336130787437 4470642410788399879 n
680289760792074 411214509078158158 n
680336400787410 2128166132185917383 n
680335937454123 6014536134730674416 n
680335820787468 1868535059947931867 n
680287400792310 6137277897969027038 n
680336040787446 2876492872554892482 n
680287464125637 4105764203979733645 n
680289814125402 3177840839464573501 n
680287480792302 5959237470193904474 n
680336070787443 3053919932843047853 n
680335967454120 8945468405674435363 n
680289844125399 1867680573886962786 n

Ambassadorship Programme: Somerset East

Eastern Cape Liquor Board launches Learner Ambassador Programme in Somerset East

680346550786395 4206705607469331023 n

The function of the ECLB is to regulate the registration of retail sales and micro-manufacturing of liquor in the province


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